chinese Tong Sui Dessert Course


Learn how to make a wide range of Chinese sweets and desserts so that you can recreate the classic flavours at home.


This course will teach you 15 classic Chinese sweets and desserts, each of which is rich in cultural characteristics and unique flavor. Suitable for anyone interested in Chinese desserts.


$639 or 23 prepaid points /person
All materials included

Duration: 3 hours

Format: In person, Hands-on

Class Capacity: 6 students minimum; 12 students maximum

This course will be taught in Cantonese. 廣東話授課。

Topics to cover:

Walnut Dessert, Green Bean Dessert with Kelp, Bean Curd Dessert (2 types), Ginger Milk Dessert, Double-boiled Egg with Ginger Dessert, Almond Tea with Egg White , Almond Dessert, Almond Tofu , Taro Sago Pudding with Coconut Milk, Baked Sago Pudding with Lotus Seed Paste, Lotus Seed and Mulberry Egg Tea, Osmanthus Wine with Mochi Balls, Red Bean Dessert with Citrus Peel, Black Sesame Dessert

合桃露 / 海帶臭草綠豆沙 / 腐竹糖水(兩款)/ 薑汁撞奶 / 薑汁燉蛋 / 蛋白杏仁茶 / 杏仁糊 / 杏仁豆腐 / 椰汁芋頭西米露 / 蓮蓉焗西米布甸 / 蓮子桑寄生蛋茶 / 桂花酒釀丸子 / 進階陳皮紅豆沙 / 香滑芝麻糊

Certification of Completion will be provided upon completion of the course.